After drying out from the RSGB IOTA contest last weekend, we took the gear out again 1-2 August, where I worked a few new contacts: 7Q7BP on CW was a firm favourite, as well as KH6/AA1LC in Hawaii, CY0/VA1AXC on Sable Is., 8P6FX in Barbados and CP6XE in Bolivia.
During the weekend we turned our hand towards the RSGB low-power backpackers contest working a few on 2m. After the contest, HA6KVC/P was coming through nicely via Meteor Scatter on FSK441.
This was the first time I have ever heard any meteor scatter… Ever…
I’ve been doing CQWW as a somewhat casual attempt to work some DX for the past few years, but this year I took it to the next level to organise an event with my local radio club.
There is a full analysis of the log for the weekend, including the KML files from which the following were taken. Where information is not available for a given callsign, the pin has been inserted into the centre of each country with an asterisk or question mark to indicate.
For the rest of the log analysis, please click 2014 CQWW SSB

This weekend we reconfigured our 14 MHz homebrew Yagi to operate on 18 MHz instead. This was for a local club’s August Work The World Weekend.

This map shows some of the stations worked during CQWW SSB Contest, 26-27 October 2013. Operations using M0STO’s tri-band 4-ele Yagi and 300W from the Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker (GB0SNB) operating as G3XBF.
We set out with the aim to work as many DXCC entries as we could within the 24 hours we were able to operate. Operations started at 16:40 UTC on the Saturday an finished at 15:10 UTC on the Sunday; operating most of the night. 54 DXCC entries worked.
The location details are from, where possible.

Click the map once for image details, and again for high resolution image.
Here are a few pictures from the 2013 CQWW contest, taken by Peter Allen, G0IAP.

M0STO setting up the EME SCAM 12 on the top field
Moving the SCAM 12 to a lower field because of high winds
M0YOL guiding M0STO in moving the beam in his car
Erecting the HF beam on another SCAM 12
G7UVW and M0STO tuning the beam & checking the SWR
G7UVW and M0STO reflecting on the erection of HF beam and VHF EME beams (background)
Inside the lockup at GB0SNB
Tuning the linear up
2m Yagi looking a bit bent, on the Az/Ele rotator for EME
Both beams as coax is run into lockup
G7UVW operating and logging
M1GEO swinging the beam as G7UVW is operating
G7UVW logging as M1GEO operates
G7UVW drinking tea as M1GEO operates
M0STO setting up EME equipment
M0STO configuring HRD to track the moon
M0STO deep in the settings!
G7UVW and M1GEO tidying their “private” log, collecting their own DXCCs!
This map shows some of the stations worked during the event. These details are from where possible.

Click the map once for image details, and again for high resolution image.
Here are a few pictures from the 2011 CQWW contest that Dave Mills (G7UVW) and I took part in.

An online scrapbook full of half-baked projects and silly ideas.