This weekend we took the 14 MHz home-brew beam out for LEFARS annual field day at Alymers Farm. Conditions were not so great, but we managed to work some nice DX including VK6, plenty of North America and Canada, and several more rare locations.
All posts by M1GEO
VHF Preamps
Ordered a 144 MHz Anglian Transverter from Sam, G4DDK, as well as a DEM L144LNACK-2N low noise preamp for 144 MHz. I am very short of time of late, but it is my intention to experiment with some EME operation this summer and winter, so I figured I had better start buying.
Friedrichshafen 2014
From 28 June to 2 July 2014, a few of us where about and about in Europe! I drove to the Ham Radio Friedrichshafen International Exhibition for the second time, this time leaving a few days each side to recover from the long drive. In the first spare day we drove into Italy, stopping in Liechtenstein (to say we had been). Going, we drove over the Alps and returned back via the tunnels through the Alps (as it was dark). Utterly amazing drive! As evidence, I offer the pictures below!
Late Night Contiki
Working late from Monday evening till Tuesday morning to get some of the Contiki timer issues fixed. I think I have corrected a bug with the Contiki rtimer code for the TelosB mote, but that remains to be seen. The code functions great in the simulator with the modded timer library, but still doesn’t work on hardware.
144 MHz 1.25 kW Amplifier
Over the weekend I worked on my 1.25 kW solid state PA based on F1JRD’s design from Dubus using a MRFE6VP61K25H. I bought a complete kit at the Friedrichshafen Hamfest 2012 from F1JRD and F5CYS and built it up late 2013 but due to problems, I never had more than around 40W output. This weekend, with a new set of capacitors from ATC I rebuilt the output matching and fired it up once again. With my 1kW/50V power-supply I can get around 600W output, which his more than enough. This is still a work in progress, but things are moving forward with the project.
This map shows some of the stations worked during CQWW SSB Contest, 26-27 October 2013. Operations using M0STO’s tri-band 4-ele Yagi and 300W from the Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker (GB0SNB) operating as G3XBF.
We set out with the aim to work as many DXCC entries as we could within the 24 hours we were able to operate. Operations started at 16:40 UTC on the Saturday an finished at 15:10 UTC on the Sunday; operating most of the night. 54 DXCC entries worked.
The location details are from, where possible.
Click the map once for image details, and again for high resolution image.
Here are a few pictures from the 2013 CQWW contest, taken by Peter Allen, G0IAP.
Queen’s Jubilee Ham Radio Station MQ1GEO
This map shows some of the stations worked during the event. These details are from where possible.
Click the map once for image details, and again for high resolution image.
Here are a few pictures from the 2011 CQWW contest that Dave Mills (G7UVW) and I took part in.
Marconi Centre & Lizard Wireless Station
During a family visit to Cornwall in July 2011, I had the opportunity to visit the Lizard Wireless Centre at Lizard, Cornwall and the Marconi Centre at Poldhu, Cornwall. This page just has a few pictures that I thought may be of interest. If you click the pictures, more details will appear about the image; clicking the image again will show the full resolution image. If you would like an image without the copyright notice, contact me – it’s not a problem!
The Lizard Wireless Centre
The first Coastal Path sign mentioning the Lizard Wireless Station.
Commemorative plaque outside the Lizard Wireless Station.
National Trust sign, also outside the wireless site.
View across the bay from the station.
The station (2 huts on left) and lighthouse site (right).
Final part of the footpath leading to the station.
Also near buy, the Lloyds Signal Station, used by Lloyds Insurance to keep track of ships.
The open sign and view out to see.
The (original) workshops as used by Marconi. Antennas located out of shot to right.
Inside the workshop, the Marconi station. Some parts are replicas, some original.
The Wireless Station’s QSL Card for their Amateur Radio Station, GB2LD.
The view from the workshop window.
My car, parked where sections of the World-War 2 Chain Home Radar were sited.
The Marconi Centre (Poldhu)
The start of the footpath leading to the Marconi Centre.
The outside of the Marconi Centre.
Sign explaining the view of the radio field.
Foundations of transmitter house, used for first Atlantic communications by Marconi (designed by A. Flemming).
One of the Marconi Centre’s modern Amateur Radio Stations (available for use by Radio Hams).
Chris, G8OCV works PSK31 from the Marconi Centre
A Morse key produced by Marconi’s Wireless Telegraphy Company Ltd.
Monument to Marconi standing in the old antenna field outside the Marconi Centre.
These images show the 4 plaques on the sides of the monument. Click an image to enlarge.
Click an image to enlarge